See What’s Coming Soon!


Happy Monday everyone and welcome to another Mindful Monday Hack! Today, let’s talk about the practice of ‘stacking the good’. In the whirlwind of our busy lives, it’s easy to get swept up in the chaos of Monday and the week ahead. But amidst the hustle, there’s immense power in pausing to recognise what’s good around you.

Each day, take a moment to stack the good: reflect on the ‘good stuff’, big or small, that make your journey great. Whether it’s a breakthrough at work, a supportive colleague, a warm cup of coffee, something silly your kids have said to make you laugh or the beauty of the view outside your window.

Recognising each moment we’re grateful for grounds us, it lowers our stress and helps keep us balanced when chaos is happening all around us.

Research shows that consistently practicing ‘stacking the good’ can in fact enhance your overall well-being, resilience, and even productivity.

💥 So make ‘stacking the good’ part of your daily routine…💥

It’s your journey – travel it well with Turas.

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