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Finding success amidst constant change of Marketing & Comms leadership requires more than just skill. You need strategic clarity and agility. It’s not just an advantage – it’s a necessity.

Here’s a simple guide – the power of 6Ps – to help you bring a strategic perspective to your everyday mahi:

🎯 PURPOSE: Be clear about your organisation’s purpose, how you contribute to it and align ALL your activities. If an activity doesn’t have clear ‘line-of-sight’, you shouldn’t be doing it. This will keep you focussed on the right things to make an impact.

🔍 PERSPECTIVE: Gain insights by looking at challenges and opportunities from multiple angles – your customers, your stakeholders, political, economical and technological dynamics to name a few. Expand your horizons to identify risks and alternative solutions.

📝 PLAN: Craft a clear plan with SMART goals that delivers your overall direction. Stay focused and driven towards your objectives. If anything comes from ‘left field’, before you dive into action, do a sense check on whether it aligns to your direction.

⏳ PRIORITISE: Effectively manage your time and resources by prioritising tasks and activities in terms of their urgency and importance. Focus on what matters when it’s needed to achieve your goals efficiently.

🚀 PACE: Recognise things that could influence the pace of your activities and adjust accordingly. Find your rhythm and maintain momentum.

📈 PERFORMANCE: Measure your progress with the right mix of lead and lag metrics. Gain timely and measurable insights to evaluate your efforts and make informed decisions.

Ready to take your leadership to the next level? Make the 6Ps a permanent part of your playbook.

It’s your journey – travel it well with Turas.

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